Set up your own Looker dashboard summariser on GCP using Vertex AI

This webinar has already taken place. You can watch the recording below. Make sure to not miss our upcoming webinars!

As part of the recent Looker Hackathon [Vertex AI Edition], the Spectacles team won the Best Hack award! They developed tl;dd (too long; didn't dashboard), a Looker extension that replaces scheduled dashboard emails with AI-generated summaries. We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed by scheduled reports and wondering if anything has actually changed since the last one.

With tl;dd, instead of sending out dashboards via email, you can set up a Summarizer that condenses the dashboard information and sends it to the relevant recipients. You can also customize each Summarizer with specific instructions to ensure the AI understands the context of your dashboards.

Join our webinar to learn how to set up tl;dd in your Looker instance and get more out of Looker. We'll cover the application's architecture and share insights from the Spectacles team's development process.

Bring any questions you have for the Q&A session. See you there!

Webinar Recording

Recording coming soon!

Date & Time

July 10, 2024

9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm GMT


Headshot of Spectacles co-founder Dylan Atlas-Baker
Dylan Atlas-Baker
Co-Founder, Spectacles
Headshot of Spectacles co-founder Josh Temple
Josh Temple
Co-Founder, Spectacles
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