Creating Custom Map Visualizations In Looker | Spectacles

This webinar has already taken place. You can watch the recording below.

Maps are an incredibly powerful visualisation tool when with working geospatial data. Number of customers per state? Easy. Average order value by UK postcode? Done. Burger Kings by zipcode? Not a problem. But what if you need a map "layer" that doesn't come out of the box with Looker? That's when you need to start looking at creating your own custom map visualizations for Looker. In this webinar, we'll cover how to generate the right region data, how to prepare and upload it to Looker, and how to use it in your dashboards.

This webinar will be led by Dylan Baker, CEO at Spectacles. Before starting Spectacles, Dylan was a freelance consultant, working on dozens of Looker deployments and is well versed at building custom map visualizations.

There will also be a Q&A, so if you have any questions, bring them along.

Webinar Recording

Recording coming soon!

Date & Time

March 8, 2023

9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm GMT


Headshot of Spectacles co-founder Dylan Atlas-Baker
Dylan Atlas-Baker
Co-Founder, Spectacles
Headshot of Spectacles co-founder Josh Temple
Josh Temple
Co-Founder, Spectacles
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