A Quick Guide On Looker White Labelling | Spectacles

This webinar has already taken place. You can watch the recording below. Make sure to not miss our upcoming webinars!

While many organisations use Looker for internal usage, it can often be at its most powerful as a tool when being used in a private label/white label use-case. Looker can be used in a range of creative ways to be the bedrock of first-class public data products.

Join Simon Clark, a Looker expert who has experience with multiple private label Looker projects, as he walks us through the Looker best practices when using Looker for private/white labelling, including how to model your code, how to manage permissions and the organisational and technical challenges you can face.

Bring your questions along for the Q&A at the end. We look forward to seeing you there!

Webinar Recording

Recording coming soon!

Date & Time

November 29, 2023

9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm GMT


Headshot of Simon Clark, sdcdata
Simon Clark
Consultant, scdata
Headshot of Spectacles co-founder Dylan Atlas-Baker
Dylan Atlas-Baker
Co-Founder, Spectacles
Sign-up for webinar!

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Stop stressing about Looker today

Spectacles saves you hours of bug-fixing and boosts confidence in your Looker dashboards. Book a call with our Looker experts to find out how!

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